Session Data
[form_inputs] => Array
[initial] => Array
[Company] => The ReLeaf Center
[Contact_First] => Nathan
[Contact_Last] => Hechtl
[Zip] => 49120
[Email] =>
[Phone] =>
[place_id] =>
[gm_search] => Array
[gm_account_no] =>
[mas_cust_no] =>
[mas_search] => Array
[mas_cust_no] => REL4912
[mas_cust_exists] => false
[billing] => Array
[Company] => The ReLeaf Center
[Contact_First] => Nathan
[Contact_Last] => Hechtl
[Address1] => 1840 Terminal Rd.
[Address2] =>
[Address3] =>
[City] => Niles
[State] => MI
[Zip] => 49120
[Country] => USA
[Email] =>
[Phone] => 269-259-5406
[shipping] => Array
[ShipToName] => The ReLeaf Center
[Address1] => 1840 Terminal Rd.
[Address2] => ATTN: Nathan Hechtl
[Address3] =>
[City] => Niles
[State] => MI
[Zip] => 49120
[Country] => USA
[Email] =>
[Phone] => 269-259-5406
[summary] => Array
[SalesPersonNo] => 0020
[customer_tags] => Array
[0] => 17
[1] => 7
[goldmine_import] => true
[mas_import] => true
[generate_quote] => true
[not_in_mas] => true
[delivery_disclaimer] => true
[tax_free] => true
[freight_estimate] => true
[freight_type] => quote
[freight_estimate_value] => 0
[lead_time] => 1-2 Weeks, depending on stock and availability.
[email_quote_to] =>
[template_id] => 414
[email_quote_subject] => CleanLeaf Air Filtration Systems - New Product Launch -
[files] =>
[email_product_literature] => true
[includedPDFs] => Array
[0] => {QUOTE}
[1] => quote_bundle_separator
[act] => submit_quote
[last_completed_step] => 5
[gm_account_no] =>
[mas_cust_no] => REL4912
[mas_cust_exists] => false
[exportid] => 25499
[masquotenum] => Q020293
[not_in_mas] => 1
Debug Data