Session Data

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                    [Contact_Last] => Graham
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    [forecasting_expected_close_date] => 12/31/2023
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    [reseller_type] => 
    [application] => Contaminants + Odor
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    [generate_quote] => true
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    [template_id] => 557
    [email_quote_subject] => CleanLeaf Air Filtration Quote For HGD ExZatics LLC
    [email_quote_body] => 

Hello <<&dear>>

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.

Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.



CleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.

Saint Louis, MO 63128

866 455-2132 Ext <<&RepPhoneExt>>


[files] => [email_product_literature] => true [includedPDFs] => Array ( [0] => {QUOTE} [1] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL2500D-CCPHE Specs 11-13-22.pdf [2] => quote_bundle_separator ) [act] => submit_quote )

Debug Data

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after getting new exportid ... 61918: 0.090013027191162 secs since start
Session ID: 25rtngjojhp6p126qpe78dkhc3
just before engaging cartlink ...: 0.090089082717896 secs since start
after most cartlink items ...: 0.090847969055176 secs since start
after getting new so num ...: 0.23336410522461 secs since start
after remaining cartlink items ...: 0.23339509963989 secs since start
SO Number: Q043449
just prior to terms gathering ...: 0.23341298103333 secs since start
after getting customer terms ...: 0.31525015830994 secs since start
Cart Items:
    [0] => Array
            [sku] => CL2500D-CCPHE
            [name] => CleanLeaf Model CL2500D-CCPHE, 2,000 CFM Self-Contained Odor Mitigation & Filtration 

System Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes:

4x CLF-6604 (26x26x4 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly)
1x CLF-6604-HHC (26X26X4 Ultrafine Glass Fiber Filter; changed annually)
1x CLF-6602 (26x26x2" Pleated After-Filter; changed annually)
16x CLF-C-100C (100% Activated Carbon Canister; changed annually)
16x CLF-C-GASKET (Foam gasket for carbon cannister. One-time use.) [qty] => 2 [price] => 4,333.00 [cost] => 2,415.41 [pdfFileURL] => ) )

not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q043449','CL2500D-CCPHE','CleanLeaf Model CL2500D-CCPHE, 2,000 CFM Self-Contained Odor Mitigation & Filtration System Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes: 4x CLF-6604 (26x26x4 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly) 1x CLF-6604-HHC (26X26X4 Ultrafine Glass Fiber Filter; changed annually) 1x CLF-6602 (26x26x2" Pleated After-Filter; changed annually) 16x CLF-C-100C (100% Activated Carbon Canister; changed annually) 16x CLF-C-GASKET (Foam gasket for carbon cannister. One-time use.)','Y','2415.41','2','2','4333.00','8666.00','1')
save the exported shopping cart ...
Cart should now be empty/saved ...
after saving export to acsopa web db: 0.33977103233337 secs since start
generating quote pdf ...

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after merging and generating email/quote PDFs ...: 4.4197881221771 secs since start
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Hello Tanika

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.

Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.


Phillip Geraci

CleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.

Saint Louis, MO 63128

866 455-2132 Ext 182

[text] => Hello TanikaThank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.Sincerely,Phillip GeraciCleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.Saint Louis, MO 63128866 455-2132 Ext 182phillip@aircleaningspecialists.com [files[Quote.pdf]] => @/tmp/tmp_quote_20231127162317_78889.pdf [files[Product_Literature.pdf]] => @/tmp/merged-pdf_1701123801_7794.pdf )
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File: files[Product_Literature.pdf] => @/tmp/merged-pdf_1701123801_7794.pdf
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Hello Tanika

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.

Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.


Phillip Geraci

CleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.

Saint Louis, MO 63128

866 455-2132 Ext 182

[text] => Hello TanikaThank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.Sincerely,Phillip GeraciCleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.Saint Louis, MO 63128866 455-2132 Ext 182phillip@aircleaningspecialists.com [files[Quote.pdf]] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/tmp_quote_20231127162317_78889.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Quote.pdf ) [files[Product_Literature.pdf]] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/merged-pdf_1701123801_7794.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Product_Literature.pdf ) [to[0]] => )
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Hello Tanika

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.

Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.


Phillip Geraci

CleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.

Saint Louis, MO 63128

866 455-2132 Ext 182

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