Session Data

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    [ProductLine] => CL
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    [forecasting_expected_close_date] => 12/31/2023
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Hello <<&dear>>

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.

Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.



CleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.

Saint Louis, MO 63128

866 455-2132 Ext <<&RepPhoneExt>>


[files] => [email_product_literature] => true [includedPDFs] => Array ( [0] => {QUOTE} [1] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL1250D-HE Specs 11-13-22.pdf [2] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL2500D-HE Specs 11-13-22.pdf [3] => quote_bundle_separator ) [act] => submit_quote )

Debug Data

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SO Number: Q043703
just prior to terms gathering ...: 0.24077200889587 secs since start
after getting customer terms ...: 0.32323408126831 secs since start
Cart Items:
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            [sku] => CL1250D-HE
            [name] => CleanLeaf Model CL1250D-HE, 1,000 CFM Self-Contained Filtration System
Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes:

-1x CLF-1250DHE-1YRPCK
+4x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly)
+2x CLF-551298 (25x15x12" 95% 8 Pocket Bag Filter; changed semi-annually)

1x CLF-552099-HHC (25x15x20" 99.99% DOP V-Bank Medical Grade HEPA Filter; changed every two years) [qty] => 2 [price] => 2,309.00 [cost] => 1,283.05 [pdfFileURL] => ) [1] => Array ( [sku] => CL2500D-HE [name] => CleanLeaf Model CL2500D-HE, 2,000 CFM Self-Contained Filtration System Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes:

-1x CLF-2500DHE-1YRPCK
+4x CLF-6604 (26x26x4 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly)
+2x CLF-661698 (26x26x16" 95% 8 Pocket Bag Filter; changed semi-annually)

1x CLF-661699-HHC (26x26x16" 99.99% DOP V-Bank Medical Grade HEPA Filter; changed every 2 years) [qty] => 0 [price] => 3,529.00 [cost] => 1,959.94 [pdfFileURL] => ) )

not in mas
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not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q043703','CL2500D-HE','CleanLeaf Model CL2500D-HE, 2,000 CFM Self-Contained Filtration System Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes: -1x CLF-2500DHE-1YRPCK +4x CLF-6604 (26x26x4 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly) +2x CLF-661698 (26x26x16" 95% 8 Pocket Bag Filter; changed semi-annually) 1x CLF-661699-HHC (26x26x16" 99.99% DOP V-Bank Medical Grade HEPA Filter; changed every 2 years)','Y','1959.94','0','0','3529.00','0.00','1')
save the exported shopping cart ...
Cart should now be empty/saved ...
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Hello Brad

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.

Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.


Phillip Geraci

CleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.

Saint Louis, MO 63128

866 455-2132 Ext 182

[text] => Hello BradThank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.Sincerely,Phillip GeraciCleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.Saint Louis, MO 63128866 455-2132 Ext 182phillip@aircleaningspecialists.com [files[Quote.pdf]] => @/tmp/tmp_quote_20231206154033_20926.pdf [files[Product_Literature.pdf]] => @/tmp/merged-pdf_1701898837_9507.pdf )
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Hello Brad

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.

Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.


Phillip Geraci

CleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.

Saint Louis, MO 63128

866 455-2132 Ext 182

[text] => Hello BradThank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.Sincerely,Phillip GeraciCleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.Saint Louis, MO 63128866 455-2132 Ext 182phillip@aircleaningspecialists.com [files[Quote.pdf]] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/tmp_quote_20231206154033_20926.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Quote.pdf ) [files[Product_Literature.pdf]] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/merged-pdf_1701898837_9507.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Product_Literature.pdf ) [to[0]] => )
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Hello Brad

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is our quote and literature per your request.

Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Shipping is not included and is billed separately at the time of delivery.


Phillip Geraci

CleanLeaf - a product of Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct. Saint Louis, MO.

Saint Louis, MO 63128

866 455-2132 Ext 182

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