Session Data

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                    [Company] => RCL Mechanical
                    [Contact_First] => Ryan
                    [Contact_Last] => Teeden
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                    [Zip] => 02790
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                    [Contact_First] => Ryan
                    [Contact_Last] => Teeden
                    [Address1] => 
                    [Address2] => 
                    [Address3] => 
                    [City] => 
                    [State] => 
                    [Zip] => 02790
                    [Country] => USA
                    [Email] =>
                    [Phone] => 401-639-4715

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                    [Address1] => 
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                    [Address4] => 
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                    [State] => 
                    [Zip] => 
                    [Country] => USA
                    [Email] =>
                    [Phone] => 401-639-4715

            [leadid] => 157754
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                    [SalesPersonNo] => 0020
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                    [forecasting_likelihood] => low
                    [forecasting_expected_close_date] => 01/10/2024
                    [customer_tags] => Array
                            [0] => 17
                            [1] => 106
                            [2] => 4

                    [end_user_type] => Commercial
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                    [application] => Contaminants
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                    [mas_import] => true
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                    [delivery_disclaimer] => true
                    [tax_free] => true
                    [lead_time] => 1-2 Weeks, depending on stock and availability.
                    [email_quote] => true
                    [email_quote_to] =>
                    [template_id] => 489
                    [email_quote_subject] => Your CleanLeaf Quote 
                    [files] => 
                    [email_product_literature] => true
                    [includedPDFs] => Array
                            [0] => {QUOTE}
                            [1] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL2500D-HE Specs 11-13-22.pdf
                            [2] => quote_bundle_separator

                    [act] => submit_quote


    [last_completed_step] => 5
    [gm_account_no] => 
    [mas_cust_no] => RCL0279
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    [masquotenum] => Q044425
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    [SalesPersonNo] => 0020
    [ProductLine] => CL
    [forecasting_likelihood] => low
    [forecasting_expected_close_date] => 01/10/2024
    [customer_tags] => Array
            [0] => 17
            [1] => 106
            [2] => 4

    [end_user_type] => Commercial
    [is_reseller] => 1
    [reseller_type] => Mechanical Contractor
    [application] => Contaminants
    [goldmine_import] => true
    [mas_import] => true
    [generate_quote] => true
    [not_in_mas] => true
    [delivery_disclaimer] => true
    [tax_free] => true
    [lead_time] => 1-2 Weeks, depending on stock and availability.
    [email_quote] => true
    [email_quote_to] =>
    [template_id] => 489
    [email_quote_subject] => Your CleanLeaf Quote 
    [email_quote_body] => 

Hello Ryan,

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is the quote and literature that you requested. Please note, these unit are for contaminate filtration only, no odor control at all. In your request, you marked odor control as the concern.

If they ended up specifying the wrong unit and they truly need odor control, let me know and I will revise the quote to our CL2500D-CCP unit for odor.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.




11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.
Saint Louis, MO 63128
866 999-9008 Ext. <<&RepPhoneExt>>
866 422-4099 Fax

[files] => [email_product_literature] => true [includedPDFs] => Array ( [0] => {QUOTE} [1] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL2500D-HE Specs 11-13-22.pdf [2] => quote_bundle_separator ) [act] => submit_quote )

Debug Data

start: 1.9073486328125E-6 secs since start
after getting new exportid ... 63743: 0.089465856552124 secs since start
Session ID: ud6b9ihpo6qiqsuptb6f808d4g
just before engaging cartlink ...: 0.08954381942749 secs since start
after most cartlink items ...: 0.09031081199646 secs since start
after getting new so num ...: 0.24102592468262 secs since start
after remaining cartlink items ...: 0.24106383323669 secs since start
SO Number: Q044425
just prior to terms gathering ...: 0.24108386039734 secs since start
after getting customer terms ...: 0.32502484321594 secs since start
Cart Items:
    [0] => Array
            [sku] => CL2500D-HE
            [name] => CleanLeaf Model CL2500D-HE, 2,000 CFM Self-Contained Filtration System Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes:

-1x CLF-2500DHE-1YRPCK
+4x CLF-6604 (26x26x4 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly)
+2x CLF-661698 (26x26x16" 95% 8 Pocket Bag Filter; changed semi-annually)

1x CLF-661699-HHC (26x26x16" 99.99% DOP V-Bank Medical Grade HEPA Filter; changed every 2 years) [qty] => 5 [price] => 3,135.00 [cost] => 1,959.94 [pdfFileURL] => ) )

not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q044425','CL2500D-HE','CleanLeaf Model CL2500D-HE, 2,000 CFM Self-Contained Filtration System Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes: -1x CLF-2500DHE-1YRPCK +4x CLF-6604 (26x26x4 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly) +2x CLF-661698 (26x26x16" 95% 8 Pocket Bag Filter; changed semi-annually) 1x CLF-661699-HHC (26x26x16" 99.99% DOP V-Bank Medical Grade HEPA Filter; changed every 2 years)','Y','1959.94','5','5','3135.00','15675.00','1')
save the exported shopping cart ...
Cart should now be empty/saved ...
after saving export to acsopa web db: 0.35285687446594 secs since start
generating quote pdf ...

    [1] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL2500D-HE Specs 11-13-22.pdf
after merging and generating email/quote PDFs ...: 4.9727649688721 secs since start
email fields:
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    [fromname] => Dan Schroeder
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    [to[0]] =>
    [subject] => Your CleanLeaf Quote 
    [html] => 

Hello Ryan,

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is the quote and literature that you requested. Please note, these unit are for contaminate filtration only, no odor control at all. In your request, you marked odor control as the concern.

If they ended up specifying the wrong unit and they truly need odor control, let me know and I will revise the quote to our CL2500D-CCP unit for odor.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



Dan Schroeder

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.
Saint Louis, MO 63128
866 999-9008 Ext. 111
866 422-4099 Fax

[text] => Hello Ryan,Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is the quote and literature that you requested. Please note, these unit are for contaminate filtration only, no odor control at all. In your request, you marked odor control as the concern.If they ended up specifying the wrong unit and they truly need odor control, let me know and I will revise the quote to our CL2500D-CCP unit for odor.Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely,Dan SchroederCleanLeaf11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.Saint Louis, MO 63128866 999-9008 Ext. 111866 422-4099 Faxdan@aircleaningspecialists.com [files[Quote.pdf]] => @/tmp/tmp_quote_20240110085016_81541.pdf [files[Product_Literature.pdf]] => @/tmp/merged-pdf_1704898221_6868.pdf )
File: files[Quote.pdf] => @/tmp/tmp_quote_20240110085016_81541.pdf
File: files[Product_Literature.pdf] => @/tmp/merged-pdf_1704898221_6868.pdf
email result: {"message":"success"}
arr email result: Array ( [message] => success )
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after sending email to customer ...: 7.4904928207397 secs since start
    [from] =>
    [fromname] => Dan Schroeder
    [subject] => Your CleanLeaf Quote 
    [html] => 

Hello Ryan,

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is the quote and literature that you requested. Please note, these unit are for contaminate filtration only, no odor control at all. In your request, you marked odor control as the concern.

If they ended up specifying the wrong unit and they truly need odor control, let me know and I will revise the quote to our CL2500D-CCP unit for odor.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



Dan Schroeder

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.
Saint Louis, MO 63128
866 999-9008 Ext. 111
866 422-4099 Fax

[text] => Hello Ryan,Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is the quote and literature that you requested. Please note, these unit are for contaminate filtration only, no odor control at all. In your request, you marked odor control as the concern.If they ended up specifying the wrong unit and they truly need odor control, let me know and I will revise the quote to our CL2500D-CCP unit for odor.Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely,Dan SchroederCleanLeaf11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.Saint Louis, MO 63128866 999-9008 Ext. 111866 422-4099 Faxdan@aircleaningspecialists.com [files[Quote.pdf]] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/tmp_quote_20240110085016_81541.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Quote.pdf ) [files[Product_Literature.pdf]] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/merged-pdf_1704898221_6868.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Product_Literature.pdf ) [to[0]] => )
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after sending email to rep ...: 9.9856758117676 secs since start
after inserting/updating customer in v2 ...: 80.521941900253 secs since start
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acsopav2 mailgun/newmail.php curl info:
    [from] => Dan Schroeder 
    [recipient] =>
    [To] =>
    [Date] => 2024-01-10 08:51:37
    [subject] => Your CleanLeaf Quote 
    [mas-customer-no] => RCL0279
    [email-html] => 

Hello Ryan,

Thank you for reaching out to us, attached is the quote and literature that you requested. Please note, these unit are for contaminate filtration only, no odor control at all. In your request, you marked odor control as the concern.

If they ended up specifying the wrong unit and they truly need odor control, let me know and I will revise the quote to our CL2500D-CCP unit for odor.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



Dan Schroeder

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.
Saint Louis, MO 63128
866 999-9008 Ext. 111
866 422-4099 Fax

[qq_from_repid] => 0020 [file_0] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/tmp_quote_20240110085016_81541.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Quote.pdf ) [file_1] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/merged-pdf_1704898221_6868.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Product_Literature.pdf ) )
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after pushing email and files into v2/timeline ...: 93.500018835068 secs since start
empty the shopping cart ...
Cart should now be empty ...
after running remote mas queries ...: 93.637321949005 secs since start
Connected to ACSOPA DBafter reconnecting to the acsopa db ...: 95.681947946548 secs since start
{"exportid":"63743","import_result":null,"import_error":"","fileurl":"GMImport_63743_1704898312_95892.acsopa","email_result":"success","goldmine_import":null,"mas_import":"true","generate_quote":"true","goldmine_company":"RCL Mechanical","goldmine_email":"","goldmine_phone":"401-639-4715","mas_quote_number":"Q044425","mas_customer_number":"RCL0279"}
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