Session Data

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                    [State] => NJ
                    [Zip] => 08401
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                    [City] => Atlantic City
                    [State] => NJ
                    [Zip] => 08401
                    [Country] => USA
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                            [2] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL1250D Series Owners Manual 11122021_compressed.pdf
                            [3] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CleanLeaf 1250D Door Clearance.pdf
                            [4] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CleanLeaf_Odor_Mitigation.pdf
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    [ProductLine] => CL
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    [forecasting_expected_close_date] => 02/28/2025
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    [email_quote_subject] => Your CleanLeaf Air Filtration Quote 
    [email_quote_body] => 

Hello <<&dear>>,

It was great speaking with you.

Attached is your quote and product literature.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. 



11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.
Saint Louis, MO 63128
866 999-9008 Ext. <<&RepPhoneExt>>
866 422-4099 Fax

[files] => [email_product_literature] => true [includedPDFs] => Array ( [0] => {QUOTE} [1] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL1250D-CCP Specs 11-13-22.pdf [2] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL1250D Series Owners Manual 11122021_compressed.pdf [3] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CleanLeaf 1250D Door Clearance.pdf [4] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CleanLeaf_Odor_Mitigation.pdf [5] => quote_bundle_separator ) [act] => submit_quote )

Debug Data

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SO Number: Q053417
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Cart Items:
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            [sku] => CL1250D-CCP
            [name] => CleanLeaf Model CL1250D-CCP, 1,000 CFM Self-Contained Odor Mitigation & Filtration System
Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes:
4x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly)
1x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated After-filter; changed annually)
8x CLF-C-100C (7 lb. Carbon Canister (56 lbs. total); changed annually)

*Ambient. Upgrade to DC motor available for ducted units; service charge applies. [qty] => 1 [price] => 2,628.00 [cost] => 1,313.88 [pdfFileURL] => ) [1] => Array ( [sku] => RM-DC-MTAS-SVAC-1250 [name] => Delta Motor assembly for 1250D units. Required for all ducted units and CCPHE configurations. [qty] => 1 [price] => 2,384.00 [cost] => 1,191.57 [pdfFileURL] => ) [2] => Array ( [sku] => [name] => [qty] => 0 [price] => 0.00 [cost] => 0.00 [pdfFileURL] => ) [3] => Array ( [sku] => RM-1250D-INLET-12IN [name] => Inlet for 1250D series air cleaners [qty] => 0 [price] => 343.25 [cost] => 197.37 [pdfFileURL] => ) [4] => Array ( [sku] => RM-1250D-OUTLET-8IN [name] => Outlet for 1250D series air cleaners [qty] => 0 [price] => 96.20 [cost] => 55.32 [pdfFileURL] => ) [5] => Array ( [sku] => [name] => FIRST SET OF FILTERS PROVIDED WITH UNITS. COSTS BELOW ARE FOR REPLACEMENTS. [qty] => 0 [price] => 0.00 [cost] => 0.00 [pdfFileURL] => ) [6] => Array ( [sku] => CLF-1250DCCP-1YRKIT [name] => 1 year kit of filters for CL1250D-CCP. Includes:

4x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated Prefilter; changed quarterly)
1x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated Afterfilter; changed annually)
8x CLF-C-100C (100% Activated Carbon Canister; changed annually)

*Filter configurations and change-out times are based on standard recommendations.  Yours may vary, if unsure, please contact your salesperson. [qty] => 0 [price] => 606.00 [cost] => 302.92 [pdfFileURL] => ) [7] => Array ( [sku] => CLF-C-100C [name] => 100% Activated Carbon Canister
(Priced Each / Sold in Cartons of 4)
Used in CL1250D-CCP, FX-AC-1250D-CCP, CL1250D-CCPHE, FX-AC-1250D-CCPHE, CL2500D-CCPHE, FX-AC-2500D-CCPHE, CL2500D-CCP, and FX-AC-2500D-CCP [qty] => 0 [price] => 56.64 [cost] => 28.32 [pdfFileURL] => ) )

not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q053417','CL1250D-CCP','CleanLeaf Model CL1250D-CCP, 1,000 CFM Self-Contained Odor Mitigation & Filtration System Side Access Filter Housing with a year supply of filters, which includes: 4x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated Pre-filter; changed quarterly) 1x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated After-filter; changed annually) 8x CLF-C-100C (7 lb. Carbon Canister (56 lbs. total); changed annually) *Ambient. Upgrade to DC motor available for ducted units; service charge applies.','Y','1313.88','1','1','2628.00','2628.00','1')
not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q053417','RM-DC-MTAS-SVAC-1250','Delta Motor assembly for 1250D units. Required for all ducted units and CCPHE configurations.','Y','1191.57','1','1','2384.00','2384.00','1')
not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q053417','RM-1250D-INLET-12IN','Inlet for 1250D series air cleaners','Y','197.37','0','0','343.25','0.00','1')
not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q053417','RM-1250D-OUTLET-8IN','Outlet for 1250D series air cleaners','Y','55.32','0','0','96.20','0.00','1')
not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q053417','CLF-1250DCCP-1YRKIT','1 year kit of filters for CL1250D-CCP. Includes: 4x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated Prefilter; changed quarterly) 1x CLF-5502 (25x15x2 Pleated Afterfilter; changed annually) 8x CLF-C-100C (100% Activated Carbon Canister; changed annually) *Filter configurations and change-out times are based on standard recommendations.  Yours may vary, if unsure, please contact your salesperson.','Y','302.92','0','0','606.00','0.00','1')
not in mas
INSERT INTO `SO_SALESORDERHISTORYDETAIL` (`SALESORDERNO`,`ITEMCODE`,`ITEMCODEDESC`,`DROPSHIP`,`UNITCOST`,`QuantityOrderedRevised`,`QuantityOrderedOriginal`,`LastUnitPrice`,`LastExtensionAmt`,`ItemType`) VALUES ('Q053417','CLF-C-100C','100% Activated Carbon Canister (Priced Each / Sold in Cartons of 4) Used in CL1250D-CCP, FX-AC-1250D-CCP, CL1250D-CCPHE, FX-AC-1250D-CCPHE, CL2500D-CCPHE, FX-AC-2500D-CCPHE, CL2500D-CCP, and FX-AC-2500D-CCP','Y','28.32','0','0','56.64','0.00','1')
save the exported shopping cart ...
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    [2] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CL1250D Series Owners Manual 11122021_compressed.pdf
    [3] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CleanLeaf 1250D Door Clearance.pdf
    [4] => /mnt/product_media/cleanleaf/pdf/CleanLeaf_Odor_Mitigation.pdf
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Hello Taylor,

It was great speaking with you.

Attached is your quote and product literature.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. 


Kevin Gallagher

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.
Saint Louis, MO 63128
866 999-9008 Ext. 117
866 422-4099 Fax

[text] => Hello Taylor,It was great speaking with you.Attached is your quote and product literature.If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,Kevin GallagherCleanLeaf11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.Saint Louis, MO 63128866 999-9008 Ext. 117866 422-4099 Faxkeving@aircleaningspecialists.com [files[Quote.pdf]] => @/tmp/tmp_quote_20250211101631_27896.pdf [files[Product_Literature.pdf]] => @/tmp/merged-pdf_1739290596_9349.pdf )
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Hello Taylor,

It was great speaking with you.

Attached is your quote and product literature.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. 


Kevin Gallagher

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.
Saint Louis, MO 63128
866 999-9008 Ext. 117
866 422-4099 Fax

[text] => Hello Taylor,It was great speaking with you.Attached is your quote and product literature.If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,Kevin GallagherCleanLeaf11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.Saint Louis, MO 63128866 999-9008 Ext. 117866 422-4099 Faxkeving@aircleaningspecialists.com [files[Quote.pdf]] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/tmp_quote_20250211101631_27896.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Quote.pdf ) [files[Product_Literature.pdf]] => CURLFile Object ( [name] => /tmp/merged-pdf_1739290596_9349.pdf [mime] => [postname] => Product_Literature.pdf ) [to[0]] => )
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Hello Taylor,

It was great speaking with you.

Attached is your quote and product literature.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. 


Kevin Gallagher

11088 Gravois Industrial Ct.
Saint Louis, MO 63128
866 999-9008 Ext. 117
866 422-4099 Fax

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